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Acharya Siddharth

The subtle art of matching horoscopes in Vedic Astrology

In Indian traditions, especially the Hindu religion, there has been a strong emphasis on matching horoscopes (also known as Kundali). However, before we start, let's understand why such a system is needed.

Marriages in India: Complex affair

India is a complex society, with marriage being a family affair, and, in many cases, parents search for a suitable match for their children. For example, in urban India, the process starts with either preparing a profile (of their child) on a website or shared with family circles or brokers. Once the profile is shared, you will get interests! Yes, you read it right!

Some of these interests are shortlisted as probable candidates to speak and meet. The shortlisting criteria are mind-boggling: may include same caste, vegetarian, non-drinker, Engineers/Doctors/CA or MBA from reputable institutes, Salary > x, height, weight, own house, and on and on and on. Young children are then offered a list of proposals, followed by the family meeting(s), and the couple tries to understand if they are compatible in these few meetings to decide the fate of their relationship.

Well, at least they sometimes have a choice to say no! In rural areas, matches between strangers are usually arranged without the couple meeting each other. Rather, parents and other relatives come to an agreement on behalf of the couple.

Almost all Indian children are raised with the expectation that their parents will arrange their marriages, but many young people are finding their spouses. So-called love marriages are deemed a slightly scandalous alternative to properly arranged marriages. Some young people convince their parents to "arrange" their marriages with people they have fallen in love with.

However, with recent changes in society and people becoming more ambitious and the choices being offered on various social media platforms, it is getting tough to find the right partners. Hence, finding the right partner with physical and emotional compatibility is another daunting reality of the society that makes most youth underconfident in entering matrimony.

After the bride and groom agree, they are united in sacred rites attended by a colourful ceremony, and the new bride may be carried away to her in-laws' home.

Need for Astrological Analysis

To summarize, the stakes are high. Even with much due diligence, there are many uncertainties. People spend their earnings on wedding ceremonies, which an enormous social pressure on the parents and their children to make their marriage work.

Hence, people need another source of validation or evaluation about the couple's compatibility to ensure long-lasting married life. Historically, one of the crucial systems relied upon is the traditional system of astrological matching (Kundli Milan). This was done especially for Kings and queens, as the fate of the entire kingdom was involved. However, our texts like Ramayan or Mahabharat do not mention these: remember, it was Svayamvara (a method of marriage in which a woman chose a man as her husband from a group of suitors) based on the skills demonstrated by the potential suitors.

Match Making via Vedic Astrology:

In Vedic Astrology, there are multiple factors which are evaluated in matchmaking. It starts with drawing the charts (Kundli) of the couple, and they try to do a long-drawn analysis, including,

· Ashta kutas (eight categories),

· Kuja/Manglik Dosha,

· relationship of planets (lagna lords, significators, moons, malefic, seventh lords),

· Divisional charts compatibility,

· Prevailing Dasha (planetary cycles)

· Houses analysis (honesty, progeny, wealth, support)

· Many more!

In recent years, a lot of importance has been given to the use of ashta-kuta (eight categories) milan (points the couple score out of a total of 36), and the irony is that it is one of the least important criteria in the traditional system of matchmaking!

It has been observed that families and people want quick analysis. Thanks to the proliferation of online tools to calculate these points (out of 36), ashta kuta matching has become a filtration criterion and limiting their partner choices (missing on truly a good partner). However, there are many exceptions to some of these categories which these online tools do not have. Hence, leading to incorrect or incomplete analysis. Asta-kuta matching is like a cherry on the cake, and we do not focus on the cake!

The second most misused criterion is the Kuja/Manglik Dosha (also a filtering criterion these days). It is simply due to someone having Mars in their Kundli/birth chart in certain houses. People get labelled as Manglik (having strong Mars or positioned in a certain house), and parents fear all life about their children, especially their marital life. Planet Mars symbolizes immense courage, energy, willpower, and self-confidence. It is unjust to blame a planet like it.

The issue is that many combinations of the Manglik dosha get cancelled due to many factors. Some of them are mentioned below, and these online tools completely miss them; hence, you limit your options.

1. Mars is posited in Gemini or Virgo, the sign of Mercury in the Second house.

2. Mars is posited in Taurus or Libra, the sign of Venus in the twelfth house.

3. Mars is posited in Aries or Scorpio, the sign of Mars itself in the seventh house.

4. Mars is posited in Capricorn or Cancer in the seventh house.

5. Mars is posited in Sagittarius or Pisces, the sign of Jupiter in the eighth house.

6. Mars is posited in Leo or Aquarius in Lagna.

7. Mars is conjoined with Jupiter or Moon in Lagna.

8. Mars posited in moveable signs.

9. Mars posited in the constellations of Ketu.

10. Mars being exalted, debilitated, combusted or posited in its own sign

Many more!


Vedic astrology is a great enabler for a better life. However, in today's fast-paced world, people want quick results, which is not the essence of astrology. We need to give time to your trusted astrologer, who would have gathered this divine knowledge by sacrificing many things in their life. Let them follow the predefined process and do a detailed analysis to give you an analysis. Since this is time-consuming, it should be done for someone you have found suitable.

However, like many other professional professions, Astrology is also gripped by the 'Agency Problem'. You trust your life decisions to the ability of the astrologer. There is no professional standard or certification, and it isn't easy to evaluate if the astrologer's advice will be accurate. It's word of mouth, online presence and experience that helps you choose an astrologer. However, I would like to also bring to your notice that Vedic astrology is itself complete and capable of providing the right analysis. However, an astrologer's ability to gain insights is limited (experience, gurus, divine grace, etc.). Hence, choose the astrologer wisely or have a few of them identified for expert-level comparison.

I still have not seen any research showing the statistical distribution of marriage's success and ashta kuta matching. Even in the classical texts, ashta kuta has been given a very low weightage. Hence, don't focus on just ashta kuta matching or Manglik dosha. Instead, focus on the individuals and your compatibility. Go to an experienced astrologer, get a fact-based understanding of their extensive matchmaking analysis and make your own decisions. Otherwise, follow your judgement and take help from professional counsellors.

For people in love/relationship, it is best to consult a professional marriage counsellor who can provide better insights on life perspectives. 'Jab Miyan Biwi Raazi Toh Kya Karega Qazi' - If two people agree to a point, then there isn't a need for a third-person opinion.

Evaluate any alliance in totality by focusing on a multitude of factors: family, personality, interests, emotional states, diligence, etc. Astrology is a great enabler but not the only way to make a decision. I recommend you follow your rational judgement and own your decisions.

May God bless you all with loads of happiness!

Om Tat Sat

Acharya Siddharth

PS: I don't match charts, as it's a complex karmic process. I can only help you with facts on the personality of the individuals and areas which will need focus.

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